
Ami nia Misaun

Atu haburas komunidade sira hodi kontribui ba mundu ida di’ak liu liuhusi kombate impaktu alterasaun klimátika liu husi reflorestasaun komunitaria no atividade dezenvolvimentu sosiu-ekonomiku ida ne’ebé sustentavél inklui fa’an kréditu karbonu nian.

Prinsipiu Orinetador sira ne’ebé fundasaun ne’e sei tuir maka:

  1. Rekonsiliasaun entre ema ho natureza liu husi Pratika Kultura Timor nian ne’ebé esensialmente respeitu natureza

  2. Igualdade /Equity

  3. Sidadania global/Global citizenry

  4. Asaun/Action ho partisipasaun husi komunidade hodi promove ambiente

  5. Hanoin ba future /Future thinking hodi promove Sustentabilidade ba mundu ida ne’ebe di’ak liu ba jerasaun oin mai

Fundação Carbon Offset Timor

FCOTI is a local NGO in Timor-Leste, registered under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of TimorLeste with the following number: 54/DNRN-MJ/X/2018. VISION: Growing communities for a world worth living in. MISSION: Address and avoid climate change impacts through community reforestation activities and sustainable socioeconomic development activities, including carbon credit sales.


Combating climate change

through community reforestation activities and sustainable socio-economic development programs


Current achievements

More than 250,000 Trees planted
more than 150 hectares under Plan Vivo International certification
More than1000 individual farmers involved

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